Photo courtesy of Brianne Sanders Photography
Anna Wachler-Harris, MS, OTR/L, CBS, IBCLC
Anna is an Occupational Therapist and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She began her work in pediatrics after graduating from The Medical University of South Carolina. In the home setting, Anna gravitated towards infant feeding, including breastfeeding, bottle feeding, introducing solid foods, and tethered oral tissues (tongue tie, lip tie and cheek ties). Anna is highly skilled in helping you to improve baby’s functional oral motor skills, relax your baby’s body and nervous system, significantly improve feeding and facilitate age-appropriate developmental milestones.
In her daily work with infants, Anna recognized the physical and mental load mom’s endure each day and set out to create a shift in maternal postpartum care. Motion in Motherhood was created to support and empower expecting and new moms during the transition into motherhood, and beyond.
Whether your goals are to successfully breastfeed your baby, determine a pumping routine, decrease pain during daily tasks, or prepare your baby for tongue tie release, Motion in Motherhood is here for you.
Education and Training
Bachelors of Arts and Sciences: Psychology, Minor in Spanish and extensive coursework in Biology
Master’s of Science in Rehabilitation Science: Occupational Therapy
Certified Breastfeeding Specialist-Lactation Education Resources
2020 Mom and PSI’s: Professional Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training
CAN-EAT Approach (Using Medical, Motor, and Therapeutic Strategies in Pediatric Feeding)
TMR Tots for Torticollis: From feet to feeding
Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infancy
TOTS: Tethered Oral Tissues Speciality Training
Precrawling Infant Pre and Post Frenectomy Oral Motor and Whole Body Therapy
Feeding therapy including functional oral motor assessment and neuromuscular re-education
Sensory integration and development of infant and toddlers
Body work/manual therapy techniques/infant massage
What People Are Saying
Anna was extremely helpful while I was figuring out breastfeeding with my second child, and newborn. She was able to give me solid, helpful advice on positioning for my baby as well as for myself on how to decrease pain, and correct latching issues. She was also able to assess potential tongue tie and give appropriate recommendations for this. Anna was so encouraging and comforting during a time that can be so overwhelming and stressful.
-L. mother of 5-day-old
Anna’s calm and non-judgmental attitude helped me feel confident and supported in feeding my baby and adjusting to my new routine as mommy. She offered lots of reassurance, education, and helped me make achievable goals to succeed as a first-time mom. I would HIGHLY recommend her services for all new moms!
— K. mother of 3-month-old
How beautiful it is to be a Mom and provide the liquid gold of breast milk to your baby. There also is a lot of pressure and information out there to how to do the best job for your baby. My son is 3 months old and even though this is my second child I was becoming anxious in returning to work. With my first son my supply tanked and I knew I wanted to reach out for support this time. There were many topics “Motion in Motherhood” was well versed in. My son wasn’t taking to the bottle at all and we tried 4 different nipples. “Motion in Motherhood” provided many tips and encouragement throughout the process, including sensory and environmental needs that my son needed to be calm and comfortable to take to the bottle. It turned out that it wasn’t the bottle but actually needing the right timing and environment to be calm with a new activity I was asking him to perform. I also had many questions regarding pumping and making sure my supply stayed up this time around. Anna was very helpful in helping me think of the best feeding schedule for our family. As mothers and as working mothers we need the support to keep our supply up and I can’t thank her enough!
-A mother of 12-week-old

Let’s get started!
Call today to schedule an evaluation with Motion in Motherhood